November 2014
| Volume 18, Issue 1
Dear Friends,
November has landmarked many exciting activities for TIF! From delegation visits to TIF's 4th Pan-European Conference on Haemoglobinopathies and Rare Anaemias and TIF's participation in official EU bodies, our November newsletter, highlights everything have done this month! We are anticipating a new start and look forward to sharing new challenges, opportunities and accomplishments with you. Happy reading!
Editorial Team
TIF Around the World

We are delighted to share with you that the 4th Pan-European Conference on Haemoglobinopathies and Rare Anaemias, organized by the Board of Directors of the Thalassaemia International Federation (TIF) and the Greek Thalassaemia Federation (EOTHA) has been completed with immense success!

This Conference has been placed under the patronage of Mr Tonio Borg, former European Commissioner for Health & Consumers, the Hellenic Society of Haematology and the Greek Ministry of Health. It has also and veryimportantly been observed by the European Commission, the European Parliament, and the European Haematology Association through the delivery of keynote speeches in the programme.

This month brings to you a special issue of TIF's e-newsletter, containing all the major milestones and highlights of the 4th Pan-European Conference on Haemoglobinopathies and Rare Anaemias which was held between 07-09 November in Athens. These milestones, from the delivery of TIF's consensus papers to EU officials to the official launching of TIF's publications including the 3rd edition of the Guidelines for the Transfusion Dependant Thalassaemias (TDTs), have truly made this conference an unforgettable experience! Returning from Athens, we are reminded of how big our thalassaemia family actually is and, we, as TIF, express our commitment to join hands for equal access to quality health care for all those living with thalassaemia.

Read the Special Issue here!

As a follow-up of last year’s high level delegation visit to Morocco, headed by Mr Panos Englezos, TIF Presedent and Her Highness Sheikha Sheikha Bint Seif Al-Nahyan, our valuable Board Member, an official TIF delegation visit has been completed between 28 November and 1 December 2014.

The objective of the visit has been to have a workshop with key stakeholders, members of the Expert Haemoglobinopathy Forum of Morocco, with a view of getting the latest updates on the latest status of the prevention and clinical management of thalassaemia in the country.

In addition, TIF’s delegation visit also gave the opportunity to discuss the next steps forward for the monitoring of the implementation of the clinical guidelines for the management of thalassaemia in accordance to the National Thalassaemia Programme.

TIF met with with industry and stakeholder organization representatives at the ELPA Policy Meeting in Amsterdam!

The November ELPA Policy Meeting attracted not only ELPA member representatives but also delegates from stakeholder organizations. This meeting took place on 21 November 2014, in Amsterdam and was organised by the European Liver Patients Association. TIF was represented by Dr Androulla Eleftheriou, TIF Executive Director, and had the occasion to meet with with industry and stakeholder organization representatives. In addition to the patient community representatives there were representatives from various professional organizaitons.

The ELPA Policy Meetings give patient representatives a working medium where facts, ideas and plans for future collaboration are put on the table for open discussion.

Click on the following link for more information on the ELPA website

As a result of joint efforts, an official delegation visit in Nanning, of the Guangxi province in China took place between 11-12 October 2014. The objectives of this visit were to participate in the 2nd International Conference for Prevention of Birth Defects and Thalassemia and to meet with Mr Liu Zengchen of the New Sunshine Charity Foundation.

This conference was organised by the National Health and Family Planning Commission of the People’s Republic of China, with the main objective of encouraging all the provinces of the country which have a significant prevalence in thalassaemia, to adopt effective policies for the control  of these syndromes as well as other birth defects. The conference is to adopt a declaration, known as the Nanning Declaration, which aims to promote prevention measures the earliest possible.

TIF was represented by Dr Michael Angastiniotis, TIF Medical Advisor, Prof Suthat Fucharoen and  Dr Pranee Fucharoen, both of the Thalassaemia Research Centre, Mahidol University, Thailand.

The importance of the conference and its objectives was underscored by the presence of high officials of the national and provincial health authorities as well around 150 participants from institutions of all affected provinces. The officials included among others the Vice- Chairman of the 11th National People’s Congress Standing Committee, Academician, the  Honorary President of the China Woman and Child Health Research Association, the Vice Minister of the National Health and Family Planning Commission of the PRC, Commissioner of the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine of PRC, and the Vice-Chairman of the People’s Government of the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region (PRC).

In addition, TIF has met with Mr Liu Zengchen of the New Sunshine Charity Foundation (NSCF), a haematology patient-founded organization in China. The purpose of this meeting was for TIF and NSCF to join forces and initiate a closer collaboration in order to empower patient groups and provide thalassaemia patients with a united and officially recognised voice.  

While in anticipation for pending responses regarding the Charters of Priorities for the States of Delhi, Punjab, Haryana, Chandigarh, Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, and Gujarat (except Madhya Pradesh) and for the Ministry of Health and Welfare of India of the Central Government of India which have been already officially dispatched by TIF with a view to address the problem of Haemoglobin Disorders in a holistic manner, TIF has completed a delegation visit on 27 November 2014, in Bhopal and Madhya Pradesh, India.

The workshop aimed to educate medical specialists on the management of thalassaemia, and to sensitize local health authorities to take decisions on the control (prevention and management) of thalassaemia.

TIF's Participation in the Informative Seminar on Thalassaemia
TIF has attended an Informative Seminar on Thalassaemia, organised by the Pancyprian Thalassaemia Association on October 25, 2014, Limassol. TIF, represented by Mrs Liana Prastiti, TIF Communications Officer, participated with a presentation on its new mobile application for "smart phones" intended for patients with thalassaemia.

This workshop focused on various aspects ofthe management of thalassaemia such as the imaging methods for monitoring of iron deposition, new laboratory parameters for the evaluation of iron levels and the
effectiveness of iron chelation in thalassaemia, the efficiency, safety and quality of blood, the role of the nurse in the patient's compliance to treatment.

This event was also participated by the Metropolitan Bishop of Limassol Mr Athanasios. This workshop was very constructive as it allowed for the fruitful discussion of
topics of great value and significance, and gave the opportunity for exchange and networking between important stakeholders in the field and the medical community of Cyprus.

As TIF establishes its commitment to support Iran, an official high-level follow-up visit to Iran is planned to take place within the following months of 2014.

The aim of the visit is to monitor the effective implementation of the national policies for thalassaemia that were put forward in this country in the past and review the current situation in view of the effects of the recent embargo that has been imposed on Iran by United Nations (UN) and European Union (EU) laws and which forbids Iran to export and import certain technologies that also need to be made available to patients with haemoglobinopathies.

Meetings will also be held with relevant stakeholders, including the medical community, the Ministry of Health, and Patient and Parent Associations of the country.

An important highlight of TIF's activities in October has been the workshop on the Cyprus National Health Plan, which has taken place at the University of Nicosia, in Nicosia - Cyprus on 4 October 2014. This workshop was organised by the Cyprus Alliance for Rare Diseases (C.A.R.D.), of which TIF is a founding member, with the collaboration of the Cyprus Federation of Associations of Patients, and the participation of the Cyprus Medical Association and the Cyprus Confederation of Organisations for the Disabled. It has been placed under the auspices of the University of Nicosia and the Cyprus Broadcasting Corporation (CY.B.C.) has functioned as the communication sponsor for this event.

TIF presided the Scientific and Organizational Committee of this Conference, represented by Dr Androulla Eleftheriou, TIF Executive Director, and Dr Michael Angastiniotis, TIF Medical Advisor along with Dr A. Polineikis, Public Health Medic, and Dr G. Potamitis, President of the Scientific Committee of the Pancyprian Medical Association. The TIF representatives have significantly contributed to the compilation of the workshop programme and the organization of this workshop and Dr Eleftheriou has participated in the programme as a speaker and a coordinator for this event.

The main objectives of this workshop were to enlighten patients with rare and chronic disorders such as thalassaemia about the National Health Plan, but also to examine its provisions as regards to rare diseases including haemoglobinopathies.

Present at and participating in this workshop were all important stakeholders relating to this field, such as representatives of the Cyprus Ministry of Health, such (C. Kaisis, Permanent Secretary), its Pharmaceutical Services (F. Mavrokordatou, Scientific Assessor of New Medicines), and members of the National Committee for Rare Diseases. The programme of this workshop was informative featuring many key speakers and covering many aspects of this topic. Among the topics covered were health and social care for rare diseases, the Cypriot National Strategy for implementing the National Health Plan, the role of Medical Schools in the education of Health Professionals, the Financial Services for Chronic Rare Diseases, and the rights of patients and the disabled in the National Health Plan.

The outcome of the interactive discussion has been materialised in a manifesto which bears TIF's signature and which has already been compiled and is in the process of being sent to all involved stakeholders, including the
Ministry of Health of Cyprus.

TIF Publications

Out Now!


  • Guidelines for the Clinical Management of Transfusion Dependent Thalassaemia (3rd ed.) (2014). (English)

    • Translations of Publications
      • Standards for the Clinical Care of Sickle Cell Disease in Adults (2008) in Greek
    • A Guide for the Haemoglobinopathy Nurse (2013) in Greek
      • Emergency Management of Thalassaemia (2012) in Greek
  • Coming Soon!
    Translations of Publications
    • A Guide for the Haemoglobinopathy Nurse (2013) in Burmese and Farsi.
  • About thalassaemia Cartoon in Bahasa Indonesian

  • Translations of Videos
    • All about Thalassaemia Cartoon Animation (2013) is being translated into Bahasa Indonesian, Malaysian, Chinese, Hindi,
      and Urdu
      • Papers for publication

        • A paper has been submitted for publication named “Thalassaemia reviews
      • Another paper about TIF and its role has been prepared by the office to be published in commonly read journals in every region of the world
      • Withthe great help of Dr Duru Malyali, TIF Board Member, the Gaziantep Childrens Hospital in Gaziantep in Turkey translated TIF's Publication' All about thalasemia' in Turkish
International News

A visit was completed by the Cyprus High Commissioner of India to the Thalassemia Units of Sir Ganga Ram Hospital and St. Stephen's Hospital. The Cyprus High Commissioner of India, Ms. Maria Michael visited the Thalassemia Unit at Sir Ganga Ram and St. Stephen's Hospital on 11 September 2014. The High Commissioner met with thalassemic patients and their parents at the Thalassemia Unit of St. Stephen's Hospital.

She was welcomed at the Unit by Dr Nirmal Kumar, Head of the Thalassemia Unit , Mr Deepak Dhingra, Joint Treasurer of Thalassemics India, and Dr Shobha Tuli, Secretary of Thalassemics India.

The High Commissioner interacted with each one of the thalassemia patients while they were undergoing their blood transfusions. Dr. Nirmal Kumar gave a brief presentation on the facilities available at the unit. The High Commissioner was also welcomed at the hospital by Dr. V.K.Khanna- Head of Preeti Tuli Thalassemia Unit, Mr. Deepak Chopra- President Thalassemics India and Executive Members of Thalassemics India.

A meeting was also arranged with the doctors of Sir Ganga Ram Hospital where the available thalassemia services in India were discussed. A number of suggestions were given by the High Commissioner to improve these services in the country.

Cooley's Anemia Advocacy Forum Update: CAF Meets with Government Agencies
The Cooley's Anemia Advocacy Forum (CAAF) is a project aimed at helping thalassemia patients and families learn how to make their voices heard on federal issues of importance to the thalassemia community.

On 24 September, the Cooley's Anemia Foundation hosted a government-wide stakeholder meeting at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) main campus in Bethesda, MD.

The objectives of the seven-hour long meeting were to understand the major thalassemia-related initiatives in the federal government and to identify ways with which the Foundation and the Federal Government can work more closely together for the benefit of patients and their families.

Governement officials and official health authorities each presented information related to their ongoing thalassemia-related projects, while Food and Drug Administration (FDA) was able to offer general observation and comments on the issues that had been discussed.

The very interesting part of the day occurred during open discussion in the afternoon. The conversation revolved around some of the major themes that emerged throughout the day including current management strategies (e.g. transfusion/chelation and stem cell transplant) versus evolving management strategies (e.g. matched unrelated transplants, gene therapy) versus experimental management strategies (e.g. novel chelators, gene editing.

Bowling for a Cure!
On 16 November the Suffolk chapter of Cooley's Anaemia Foundation (CAF) held a "Bowling for a Cure" event at Bowlmor Lanes in Melville, NY.

Organized by Sarah and Mike Connolly, parents of Zayna, an adorable little girl with thalassemia, this was a marvelous way to have fun while raising funds that help CAF maintain its important medical research, patient services and education/awareness programs.

Each ticket included bowling from 2:00 to 4:30, and dinner. For more information, visit the event's Facebook page by clicking here.

Delegation Visits


Keep Us Updated!
TIF encourages all its members to update their websites! We plan to upload your news and activities regularly and we will project important information from your Associations' websites.

The deadline for the Video Challange has ended!
We are overjoyed to share with you that we have received a great number of inspiring videos for TIF's video challenge, whose deadline ended on the 25th of October, that went beyond our anticipations! We are delighted to have encouraged patients, and their parents, friends and family to take a step forward with us!

We would like to thank all of you for your participation. We could not have done it without your help! We would especially like to thank those of you who have submitted their video on the platform upon receiving our request. We believe many patients will benefit from your stories and your inspirational words. It is so important to spread this message to all patients of the Thalassaemia community. We truly believe that your stories have served as the stepping stone for many patients to open up and tell their own story.

The selection procedure of the participants that have entered the video sharing platform competition organised by TIF is still in process. TIF aims to continue this effort in Europe for 2015. The winning entries will be selected, announced, and shared soon with you on our social media and in the following issues of our e-newsletter!

All the entries of all the contestants were displayed during the 4th Pan- European Conference on haemoglobinopathies and Rare Anaemias in
Athens (07-09 November 2014).

To view the submitted videos click here.

Almost there: Mobile Application programme ThaliMe!

It is with immense excitement that we share with you that TIF’s mobile application created with the aim of greatly aiding and improving the lives of people with thalassaemia, will shortly be released in the Apple Store. It has already been officially presented during the 4th Pan-European Conference on Haemoglobinopathies and Rare Anaemias, 07-09 November 2014, in Athens.

Stay tuned as more updates are coming and TIF is currently making plans for releasing it on other platforms such as web, and the Android market.

The Thal Health Web App will help to connect the members of the thalassaemia community to one another and to those that care for them. The application will be designed with the active input from the thalassaemia community to ensure value, ease of use and applicability.

We are delighted to share with you that TIF has participated in a training session for patients' and consumers' organisations involved in European Medicines Agency activities, which took place on 25 November 2014, in London U.K. TIF was represented by Mrs Liana Prastiti, TIF Communications Officer.

Topics presented include an overview of the Agency and its centralised procedures, how patients are involved in scientific advice, thescientific-advisory-group (SAG) meetings, the review of information to patients, and pharmacovigilance.

Through this workshop, the European Medicnes Agency has engaged in dialogue with European patients and consumers. This interaction allowed patients and representatives of organisations to engage with the Agency on issues that affect them and to share their real-life experiences. This contributes to the quality of the decision-making processby bringing to light the real-life implications of regulatory decisions.

Following TIF's previous delegation visits and activities in the country, TIF has completed a delegation visit to Hanoi, Vietnam, between 13-16 October to meet representatives of the Ministry of Health, more specifically the Vietnamese Vice Minister of Health, Prof Nguyan Viet Tien, and the President of the Health Insurance System of the Ministry of Health.

The aim of this meeting revolved around the implementation of a National Health Programme for Thalassaemia in this country but also the around the discussion on the 2nd Pan-Asian Regional Conference on Haemoglobinopathies and Rare Anaemias, which is to be organised by TIF in the upcoming year, in order to take
preliminary information about the suitability of Ha Noi as a preferred location.

Vietnam is a country that has seen a rapid progress in the area of prevention and treatment of thalassaemia and we believe that Vietnam, as the location of the 2nd Pan-Asian Regional Conference on Haemoglobinopathies and Rare Anaemias, will help TIF to advance even more in this region.

In continuation of TIF's activities in Algeria, Prof Dimitris Loukopoulos TIF's Medical Maghreb coordinator, representing TIF, has participated in the faculty of speakers of a Workshop on Sickle Cell Anaemia which was organised by the Military Hospital Ain Naadja in Algiers, on 29 October 2014.

In the context of this workshop, Prof Loukopoulos also had the opportunity to meet with officials from the Ministry of Health of Algeria and other stakeholders including the President of the Algerian Haematology Association and other key medical professionals who are members of the Expert Algerian Group on Haemoglobinopathies designated by the ministry of Health of Algeria with a view to preliminarily discuss the agenda for the meeting with the ministry officials as a part of the joint plan of action and agreed Memorandum of Understanding between TIF and the Algerian Ministry of Health (September 2013).

This meeting has been a stepping stone towards ensuring the materialisation of the jointly agreed road map but also in strengthening the implementation of improved services for patients in Algeria.

At this stage of the e-ENERCA project we are pleased to inform you that TIF has participated in the ENERCA Executive Committee Meeting, represented by TIF medical advisor, Dr Michael Angastiniotis. The ENERCA Executive Committee Meeting was held in Barcelona, Spain, on 22 October 2014 with the purpose of discussing the e-ENERCA project, which started in September 2013.

During this meeting a number of key topics were presented and discussed, including monitoring the progress of the e-ENERCA project, aligning joint efforts, and identifying and planning future action.

TIF will continue to promote the e-ENERCA project, since the ultimate aim is to achieve through electronic means, access to the same level of services across Europe, independently from the country of practice and the origin of the patient. The main objective of TIF's involvement is the development of a European Registry for Rare Anaemias including thalassaemia.

Special focus on TIF's MSc E-Course programme in Thalassaemia and Sickle Cell Anaemia
TIF is delighted to announce that it is currently in the process of designing the first modules for the curriculum for the MSc E-Course programme in Thalassaemia and Sickle Cell Anaemia, which is being established through the University of Nicosia and aims to offer a postgraduate academic course to health professionals in the field of Haemoglobinopathies.

More details about this programme will be announced in future newsletters.

8th May 2015– Theme announced!
We are very happy to share with you that the theme for 2015 will be:


Healthcare is changing. Patient needs are changing. Government regulations
are changing. With an evolving landscape and overwhelming expectations, the transformation of healthcare systems is becoming all the more necessary to meet the needs of this changing environment.

Providing patient-centred quality healthcare is critical to transforming health. TIF reinitiates its commitment to be involved in a variety of initiatives and collaborations to improve healthcare quality and make it more patient centred. Collaborations with other healthcare entities, nationally, regionally, and internationally are a vital pillar of TIF's work.

Through maintaining the quality and standards of TIF's educational programme, TIF continues to fight for patient-centred healthcare systems that can respond to the historic realignments of our industry and economy. If we can ensure that people are living healthier as well as longer lives, the opportunities will be greater and the costs to society less.

As we react to the changing landscape and create real value for patients and their families, we serve as a model for all healthcare organizations struggling to do the same. The future presents an opportunity for us all, and TIF strives to lead the way.

Plan proactively and let us know about your activities! TIF is in the process of creating a website dedicated to the International Thalassaemia Day with the purpose of sharing all the latest information with you and offering a platform for exchanging and sharing your activities and plans. More information will be announced soon on our social media and website.

TIF Greek Magazine with a special focus on the 4th Pan-European Conference of Haemoglobinopathies and Rare Anaemias!
The latest issue of the Greek TIF Magazine has been distributed in October, with a special focus on the 4th Pan-European Conference of Haemoglobinopathies and Rare Anaemias. Given this opportunity, we would like to thank and applaud Mr Ioannis Levidiotis, and his editing team KINISIS, for their efforts and contribution in the creation and distribution of the Greek edition of the TIF Magazine.

We would like to inform you of the sad passing of the researcher, teacher and patient advocate Prof. Hermann Heimpel. Professor Heimpel collaborated with ENERCA for the last 10 years and decisively shaped the University Hospital of Ulm - in research, teaching and administration. On October 7th the former Medical Director of the Department of Internal Medicine III (1969-1996) and former Vice-Rector of Ulm University died at the age of 84 years. As a doctor, a highly respected researcher and an academic teacher, he was closely connected to the University Medical Center well beyond retirement. He was greatly appreciated among his colleagues for his scientific reputation and human qualities. Just last May the internationally renowned hematologist and oncologist was honored by the Prime Minister of the State of Baden Württemberg Winfried Kretschmann with the State Order of Merit – in particular for his contribution for improved care for cancer patients in Baden-Württemberg, for establishing the Ulm Cancer Center and the State Advisory Council for Oncology. It must be mentioned that during the last ten years he has been deeply involved in the European Network for Congenital and Rare Anaemias (ENERCA) where he participated as an outstanding partner and a dedicated leader for the creation of the European CDA Registry. 

Professor Heimpel was an extraordinary personality. He shaped hematology and oncology in Germany in the past decades like hardly anybody else. He was not only an exceptional doctor, curious scientist, dedicated teacher and academic visionary, but he was an especially wonderful person. He was all this until his last days for all who knew him, for the employees of his hospital, for his former and present students.

May the memories help his family find peace.

The International Pediatric Hematology Conference of the Health Insurance Organization was held on 16 October 2014 in Cairo. It was the 1st International Hematology conference held under the umbrella of Egyptian  Health Insurance Organization (HIO) and under the patronage of Prof. Dr. Ali Hegazy, Chairman of the Board of HIO.

The conference addressed blood disorders giving an emphasis on thalassemia as well as on the milestones achieved in terms of patient support, including the announcement of a decision to provide oral iron chelating medication for thalassemia patients of all ages.

To view the TV report, click here

Blood Patients Protection Council (BPPC) organized a Rally for blood disorder patients as a part of a Global Action Programme
The Blood Patients Protection Council (BPPC) Kerala, an organization for blood disorder patients like Thalassemia, Sickle Cell Anemia, Hemophilia, and Leukemia has organized a Rally on 25 October 2014 at S.K.Pottakkad square Calicut. Renowned writer and gynecologist, Dr. Khadeeja Mumthas inaugurated the Rally.

After the completition of this event, BPPC organized a thorough discussion session at Shikshad Sadan, Calicut on the topic of the Plights an Rights of fatal-disease-affected patients based on Article 25 of the UN Human Rights Declaration (1948).

Dr Kareem Karassery, General Convener of the Blood Patients Protection Council inaugurated the discussion. The Council also prepared a consensus paper which was offered to the government of India demanding from them to take urgent steps to adopt policies which respect patients’ rights and provide complete free treatment to all patients.

Play Therapy has arrived to the Medical Therapy Unit – Monash Medical Centre in Australia
This service has been funded by the outstanding event held last year from our friends – Mates on a Mission.

Play is an integral part of a child's life. From birth play helps children to learn, to relate to others and to have fun. Play can also enhance a child's development physically, emotionally, intellectually and linguistically.

When children or adolescents are admitted to hospital they are at their most vulnerable. They are separated from their friends, family and familiar surroundings which may lead to increased stress.

This is why the play therapy available at the Medical Therapy Unit – Monash Medical Centre in Australiahas really made a difference. It allowed children to express their concerns whilst in hospital and facilitated the education of thalassaemia patients in adapting coping strategies to assist them with this.


Research & Therapeutic News

Hydroxyurea safe, effective for youths with sickle cell anemia, study finds
The National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute announced last week that a clinical trial of hydroxyurea therapy to treat children with sickle cell anemia was stopped early because it proved to be as effective in managing the disease and lowering the risk of stroke as monthly blood transfusions. The study, which involved 121 children from 4 to 16 years of age, began in September 2011. (AABB 24/11/2014).
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EMQN Best Practice Guidelines for carrier identification and prenatal diagnosis of the haemoglobinopathies
The EMQN Best Practice Guidelines for molecular and haematology methods for carrier identification and prenatal diagnosis of the haemoglobinopathies have been recently published as a result of the EMQN haemoglobinopathies best practice meeting, which took place in Leiden, 5–6 September 2012, and was jointly organised and financed by The European Molecular Genetics Quality Network and EuroGentest. (ITHANET 20/11/2014).
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bluebird bio, Inc. announced first subject with severe sickle cell disease undergone transfusion
bluebird bio, Inc. announced that the first subject with severe sickle cell disease has undergone infusion with bluebird bio’s LentiGlobin BB305 drug product in an autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. This patient is enrolled in the HGB-205 Study being conducted in Paris, France. bluebird has also opened a separate US-based trial (HGB-206) in the United States for the treatment of up to 8 severe sickle cell disease patients with the company’s LentiGlobin BB305 drug product (ITHANET 20/11/2014)
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Study shows how Ebola protein causes inflammation, leaky blood vessels
A study in the journal PLOS Pathogens reveals that shed glycoprotein, one of the proteins expressed by glycoprotein in Ebola, causes inflammation and blood vessel leakage by binding to immune cells and causing them to secrete pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines. While this process also increases the permeability of endothelial cells, which leads to blood vessel leakage, blocking the TLR-4 molecule before shed GP attaches to immune cells causes less secretion of cytokines and may help stop the infection (AABB 24/11/2014).
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European panel supports approval of new regimen for hepatitis C
The European Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use has recommended the approval of a combination of antiviral drugs for the treatment of hepatitis C genotypes 1 and 4. The regimen includes AbbVie's Viekirax and Exviera, with or without ribavirin
(AABB 24/11/2014).
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Gilead's hepatitis C drug approved in Europe
The European Commission has approved Gilead Sciences' Harvoni, a combination of Sovaldi and ledipasvir, for the treatment of patients with hepatitis C genotypes 1 and 4. The drug was approved in the U.S. last month (AABB 20/11/2014)
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